Hi Lovely Pinkies...
Well, this is a very sad post to write - as it's going to be the last post from In The Pink as it's time to close our doors.
We loved your entries for our last challenge (as we have for every challenge) - and although we didn't want to have a sponsor this time, we wanted to choose our Perfect Pinkies one last time.
So here goes... (in no particular order)

We hope you'll agree that these creations very much deserve their Perfect Pinky badges...
So all that remains to say is that it's been a blast..... a very PINK blast - and I know I can speak for all the wonderful ladies who've joined me as part of the Design Team over the five years we've been around when I say it's been a joy to see all the lovely PINKNESS that's been entered in this fun challenge.
I also need to say a very BIG thank you to those lovely ladies who've been part of this fabulous PINK team.... for being part of this journey.
Lastly, I need to thank everyone who has taken part in our challenges... without you it would have been a very quiet Pink Palace!!
Sadly.... it's goodbye (for now at least!).....
Big hugs
Rizzo and The Pink Ladies