Challenge Guidelines


- Please make sure your card has LOTS OF PINK - that's what it's all about!
- Please link directly to your card post and not just to your blog.
- Please make sure you link back to In The Pink challenge blog on your post to spread the word
- Please don't back link your entry (do not enter one that is dated prior to the date of the challenge).
- Please turn off word verification so that we can comment
- Please follow the theme for the challenge you are entering
- Maximum of THREE entries with different cards per challenge

It would be really nice for you to leave comments on other people's entries - so that we can build up a friendly 'pink' community..... it's always good to leave a little pink love!!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Where are all the fairies hiding??

Hi Pinkies

Oooh..... well, we think all the PINK FAIRIES must be in hiding... as they're not wanting to be seen in our Faires and Elves challenge!!  Maybe there's a fairy party going on and they are all enjoying themselves in their little fairy houses in their little fairy village at the bottom of the garden??

We hate to break up their party.... BUT.... we'd so love to see them appearing on some cards or creations for our current challenge...  We have had some beauties so far, but we're very sure that most of us have at least ONE fairy in our collection that deserves her spot in the limelight (or should that be PINK light!)..  so we'd love you to get out your pink pens and colour - then enter our fabulous challenge!

Remember, you have until next Wednesday to enter....  
See you there...

Rizzo and The Pink Ladies

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Hi Pinkies

It's Challenge time again here at The Pink Palace - these fortnights go by so fast!  But we love it really because it gives us an excuse to get out our PINK... 

This time we'd really like to see entries from you that feature

(Pink ones.. of course!)

We thought you'd enjoy this challenge (we did!), as what self respecting fairy would be without her pink??

Here's what the DT have come up with for you..

(If you'd like more details, click on the relevant Pink Lady's name above each card)

Now... a little bit of sad news....  We're losing two of our lovely Pink Ladies this time....  Firstly, we're losing our lovely Stacey, who has only been with us for a very short time, but whose cards and creations are always fabulous!  Unfortunately, she's had to leave suddenly and hasn't been able to do a card for us this time, as she's had a fabulous promotion in her job so is having to take a step back from her crafting.  We'd like to wish you Good Luck in your new demanding position Stacey...  and THANK YOU for being a Pink Lady - we'll miss you - but GO GIRL GO in that new job!

(Pass the tissues now please...)

AND we're also losing our wonderful little French speaker... Helene - who has been with us for a year... and has produced some truly stunning creations for us!!  She really has been a pleasure for us to get to know..  but is now taking up a job so will also have less time to craft...   however, she also has another DT position so I'm sure (like us) you'll want to follow her crafting adventures!  We really are sad to see you go Helene... and wish you all the very best of luck in your new job.  THANK YOU for being a Pink Lady!

(OK...  Pass the whole box of tissues now....)

BUT... on the positive side.... we have two new PINK LADIES who will be joining us for our next challenge!!!  We're looking forward to showing them around The Pink Palace..  making them comfortable and getting out the celebratory Pink Champagne!  

So.... after all that news, I bet you've forgotten what our challenge is! LOL!  

(Pink ones of course)

And don't forget our number one rule...  to use MORE PINK THAN ANY OTHER COLOUR for your card to be considered.

You can also pop over to our FACEBOOK PAGE to share your pink creation there too so your fellow pinkies can see it properly... we'd love to see you!

Happy Pink Crafting..
Rizzo and The Pink Ladies

Challenge #50 Anything Goes - Perfect Pinkies!

Hi Ladies...

Thank you all for such wonderful entries to our Anything Goes challenge...  as always, we had great difficulty choosing because as you know, we do like to look at each and every entry individually to consider our choices - as we feel that's the only fair way!

And here's what we came up with this time... (in no particular order..)

(Click on the name above each card if you'd like to leave a little love on the blog concerned..)

Hope you'll grab your Perfect Pinkie badge ladies and pop it on your blog..

Thanks again to all of you that entered - we really did have an amazing selection to choose from this time..  and we've got another wonderful  PINK challenge for you later today...  hope to see you there!

Big hugs 
Rizzo and The Pink Ladies

Thursday, 7 August 2014

CHALLENGE #50 - ANYTHING GOES - as long as it's PINK!

Hi Pinkies..

Well..  it's a very special time here at The Pink Palace, as we're celebrating our SECOND BIRTHDAY!  Yes, that's right.....  we've been running this gorgeous pink challenge  for TWO WHOLE YEARS - and loving every minute of it!  So we have pink bunting dangling from pink chandeliers, pink icing on our pink cupcakes, pink candles to blow out... and lovely pink champagne to celebrate!!

And........  as it's a special time.... we decided to celebrate with an


theme!!  Soooooooo easy to enter - especially if you love this gorgeous colour like we do!

Here's what the Pink Ladies have come up with this time:

We hope you'll join in our BIRTHDAY celebrations.... it's lovely to see your entries, but please do say hello too...  We've reached a fabulous FOUR HUNDRED followers...  and know you're out there, and would so love you to say hi when you enter!  That way we'll have our own little PINK community.. and howabout joining us at our very own FACEBOOK page?  The link is below.  You can join in our pink chat - and see what's happening at the Pink Palace!

Don't forget our NUMBER ONE RULE for this and any other of our challenges....  you have to use MORE PINK THAN ANY OTHER COLOUR on your entry.. otherwise it cannot be considered.

We can't wait to see what you come up with for our ANYTHING GOES (as long as it's PINK) challenge!

Big hugs to all and Happy PINK crafting...
Rizzo and The Pink Ladies

CHALLENGE #50 - ANYTHING GOES - We look forward to seeing your entries  - BUT don't forget our number one rule which is THAT YOU NEED TO USE MORE PINK THAN ANY OTHER COLOUR - otherwise your entry may not be considered.  Thank You x

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


Hi Pinkies

Thank you all for a lovely lot of entries for our Animal Antics challenge...  we pondered and perused, and finally came up with the following who each earn a Perfect Pinkie badge...

(In no particular order)

(More details on these cards if you click on the link above each)

Here's your Perfect Pinkie badge to grab:

It really does take us some doing to pick out just five.... like I keep on saying, you're all winners in our eyes for just taking part!  So, what we do is that the DT each decide on a favourite - and they become our Perfect Pinkies.

We hope you agree with our choice this time...  there were some fabulous cards entered, as always!

Now..... watch for our SPECIAL challenge today!

Big hugs
Rizzo and The Pink Ladies